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Exploring The Incredible Tea Growing Regions Around the Globe!

Dec 22, 2023

Shanika Dasanayaka

Are you a curious tea drinker? There's something enchanting about sipping a cup of tea when you know its history. The story of tea, derived from Camelia sinensis, dates back thousands of years to its discovery in China around 2750 BC. Initially, it served as a sacred medicinal elixir, exclusive to Buddhist monks during meditation, to enhance focus and alertness. Over time, tea transcended its sacred roots, becoming a coveted, rare, and luxurious beverage favored by royalty and the affluent, and the global tea-growing regions have expanded.

By the mid-18th century, the global demand for tea had surged, yet China, as the world's primary tea producer and exporter, withdrew from international trade. European colonizers, establishing a presence in Asia, faced an insatiable thirst for tea they couldn't quench. In response, they conducted tea growing experiments across various countries, regions, and climates under their rule. The British, dominant in Asia at the time, led many of these initiatives to find our new tea growing regions.

These endeavors yielded a new tea variety unique to India, flourishing under ideal growing conditions. These regions now host the world's premier tea gardens, each offering distinct tea characteristics. Curious to know which tea-growing region corresponds to your favorite brew? Let's explore the finest tea-growing regions worldwide that have already captivated your taste buds.

Unveiling the World of Tea

The term "tea" encompasses two forms: true tea and herbal tea. True tea emerges when the leaves of the Camelia sinensis plant undergo processing, drying, and brewing in hot water. Herbal tisanes or herbal tea, on the other hand, consist of various plants' flowers, leaves, roots, bark, or stems blended and brewed hot. Tea varieties like black tea, green tea, oolong tea, white tea, pu-erh, and matcha all originate from true tea. The tea plant, a woody perennial evergreen shrub, derives its aromatic beverage qualities when steeped in hot or boiling water.

The Birth of Tea Growing Regions

Tea thrives at diverse altitudes with cool climates and nutrient-rich soil. The flavors and attributes of tea vary significantly from one region to another, influenced by factors such as soil quality, temperature, and climate. Tea plants flourish in environments with substantial rainfall, at least 40 inches annually, and slightly acidic soils. They grow from sea level to altitudes exceeding 7,000 feet. Higher-altitude plants mature more slowly, yielding lower quantities but boasting complex flavor profiles and superior quality.

China, India, Sri Lanka, and Kenya stand as the world's primary tea producers. In recent years, Taiwan, Indonesia, New Zealand, and the United States have joined the ranks as small-scale tea producers.

The Art of Tea Harvesting

Cultivating tea plants requires patience, taking nearly 3-4 years before harvesting fresh leaves suitable for processing. Handpicking remains the preferred method, as selective plucking preserves leaf quality. Despite the challenges, including rough terrain and higher altitudes, handpicking ensures the gentlest handling of fresh tea leaves. Some tea producers have experimented with machine harvesting to cut costs, but this method often results in harsher handling and compromises the leaves' gentleness. Tea typically undergoes two harvests annually: the first flush in spring and the second flush in summer.

The Role of Terroir and Cultivar in tea growing

Several elements combine to create the perfect cup of tea. While tea processing plays a role, the natural qualities brought forth during processing depend on the tea's growing conditions. The two primary factors shaping a tea's inherent qualities are the cultivar and terroir. Cultivar refers to the type of tea bush, while terroir encompasses the environment in which the tea grows.

Cultivar: Crafting Unique Tea Varieties

Tea plants grown in specific climates develop unique characteristics. Cross-pollinating tea plants from different climates yields new tea varieties that inherit traits from their parent plants. These new varieties are called cultivars. Growers selectively combine tea plant genes to develop new cultivars, striving for desired traits such as resistance to pests, drought tolerance, high yield, enhanced flavor and aroma, and varying leaf sizes. International bodies oversee cultivar naming and assignment to ensure quality and consistency.

Terroir: Nature's Influence on Tea

Tea's characteristics shine brightest when grown in an ideal environment. The terroir, where tea plants flourish, encompasses factors like climate, weather, soil conditions, elevation, farming practices, and other variables tied to tea cultivation.

Exploring Global Tea Growing Regions

While tea's origins were once limited to a few Asian countries, it now thrives in over 60 nations. This expansion is due to the discovery of new tea cultivars that are adaptable to diverse climates and soil conditions. Let's explore the premier tea-growing regions.

China: The Tea Giant

China, with its vast cultivable lands and suitable climates, reigns as the world's largest tea producer, yielding approximately 40% of the world's total tea production—around 2.4 million tons annually. Renowned for its gentle, smooth-tasting green and black teas, China also leads the world as a tea exporter. Prominent tea provinces include Yunnan, Guangdong, and Zhejiang. Additionally, China offers unique teas like Lapsang Souchong, Keemun, and Green Tea Gunpowder. Explore!

India: The Land of Assam and Darjeeling

Tea growing regions in India

India, blessed with ideal tea-growing conditions, ranks as the second-largest tea producer and exporter globally. Introduced by the British during their colonial rule, tea became one of India's key commercial crops. The country produces around 0.9 million tons of tea, with the most prominent regions being Darjeeling, Nilgiri, and Assam, each celebrated for its distinctive flavors. Explore!

Kenya: The Rise of Black Tea

Kenya, a pioneer in spreading tea cultivation beyond Asia, produces high-quality black tea ideal for tea bags. The country's annual tea production reaches nearly 305,000 tons, with regions like Kericho, Nyambene Hills, and Nandi contributing to its fine teas.

Sri Lanka: The Island of Diversity

Sri Lanka, known as Ceylon, boasts some of the world's finest teas. Introduced by the British during their colonial rule, Sri Lanka produces approximately 300,000 tons of tea annually, contributing nearly 17% of global tea production. Tea is grown at three elevations: low, medium, and high, each imparting unique characteristics. Seven main geographical areas—Ruhuna, Sabaragamuwa, Uva, Kandy, Dimbula, Udu Pussellawa, and Nuwara Eliya—offer teas with distinct traits.

Turkey: The Middle Eastern Staple

Turkey, located on the ancient trade route linking East and West, has embraced tea as a staple. With the highest per-person tea consumption globally, averaging 3.16 kg per year, Turkey recognized the commercial potential of tea. It now cultivates tea in the Riza region along the Black Sea coast, producing approximately 175,000 tons annually. Turkish tea culture is really unique and plays a vital role among global tea cultures. 

Indonesia: Natural Nutrient-Rich Teas

Tea was introduced to Indonesia during the 17th century by the Dutch East India Company. The country now produces around 157,000 tons of black and green tea derived from Indian Assam varieties. Indonesian teas are renowned for their high levels of natural chemical nutrients, offering various health benefits.

Vietnam: Diversity in Flavor

Vietnam, blessed with unique growing conditions, produces quality teas. This country too has a strong tea culture that has been evolved throughout the time. Yen Bai province stands out, offering a wide range of tea varieties, including black, green, and white teas, some naturally flavored with lotus and jasmine. Explore! 

Japan: A Cultural Legacy

Japan, with a rich tea-growing history, first encountered tea in the 6th century, introduced by Buddhist monks returning from China. Japan's similar climate and soil conditions make it ideal for tea cultivation. Producing around 89,000 tons of tea annually in regions like Shizuoka, Kagoshima, and Uji, Japan cherishes its unique teas, including Green Sencha and Green Matcha, deeply rooted in Japanese culture. Explore!

Iran: Silk Road Tea

Iran, located on the Silk Road trade route, embraced tea in the 15th century. Though not historically known for tea cultivation, the Caspian Sea region of Gilan now produces around 84,000 tons of tea a year.

Concluding Thoughts

Tea is a journey—a voyage of flavors and cultures. As you sip tea from different tea growing regions around the world, you'll savor the unique tastes nurtured by their environments. Each cup becomes an opportunity to ponder, "Where did this tea originate?" Enjoy the adventure of tea drinking, made richer by its diversity.

FAQ Section

1. What are tea-growing regions?
Tea-growing regions are specific areas where the climate, soil, and altitude are suitable for cultivating tea plants.
2. How do tea-growing regions affect the flavour of tea?
The flavour of tea is influenced by the region’s climate, soil composition, altitude, and local agricultural practices, resulting in distinct taste profiles.

3. Which countries are famous for tea production?
Countries famous for tea production include China, India, Japan, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and Taiwan.

4.What factors influence the choice to pick a tea from a specific region?
Factors include the tea's flavor profile, the region's reputation for quality, the type of tea, environmental conditions, sustainability and ethical practices, cultural heritage, and personal taste preferences.

5. Are there any lesser-known tea-growing regions worth exploring? Yes, lesser-known regions like Nepal, Vietnam, Thailand, and Rwanda produce unique and high-quality teas that are worth exploring.

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