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Best Teas to Help with Sleep & Relaxation

Feb 02, 2023

Johnathan Milton

Did you ever wonder how a simple cup of Chamomile tea can make you sleepy within minutes? It is astonishing how our ancestors used these herbs as natural remedies for their daily necessities. Their knowledge on the properties of these various teas help with sleep and other relaxing needs. From Southeast Asian monks and the ancient Greeks to the British monarchs and South American spiritual gurus, tea has been used as a health elixir. Stress and anxiety can sometimes make it challenging to get a decent night's sleep. In this scenario, herbal tea's chemical components and calming fragrances significantly impact our mood and sleep quality. Since these herbal teas can lessen tension, stress, and restlessness; they have become popular among many generations as sleep aids.

Does Tea Help With Sleep? 

Tisane teas have been used for centuries as a remedy for insomnia and other sleep-related issues. With its sleep inducing properties, many herbal teas are now being used to help people relax and get better quality of sleep. Recent scientific articles have even suggested that certain types of tea can help regulate the neurotransmitters in our brains which can lead to improved sleep quality.

What are the best Teas to help with sleep? 

The possibilities are countless when considering the best Teas to help with sleep. A hot cup of relaxing liquid can hasten sleep like a warm bath before bed. Tea components cause your nervous system to undergo chemical changes that urge your body to unwind and get ready for bed. Numerous herbal teas, including some genuine decaf teas, have additional chemical elements that increase drowsiness and help with sleep issues, allowing you to relax better. This article focuses on some popular types of tea that may be beneficial for those who struggle with sleeping issues.

Teas to help with sleep: Chamomile tea 

Chamomile tea (Chamaemelum Nobile) is one of the most delicate and popular tea among sleep-inducing herbal teas. Although there aren't as many definitive studies demonstrating the multiple advantages of this tea, it is still one of the more famous bedtime teas in herbal and homeopathic medicine. Chamomile teas originate from the chamomile plant, which has calming qualities that aid in better sleep. This tea is typically used for healing and as a sedative. The core compound apigenin, which is present in Chamomile tea, contains anti-inflammatory and muscle-relaxing properties. This explains its ability to relax our bodies. (Read more) Many studies prove chamomile can reduce anxiety and improve sleep without any risks. According to a study, chamomile extract lessens anxiety in people with mild to moderate Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Additionally in one Taiwanese study, the relaxing properties of chamomile tea have helped enhance pregnant women's quality of sleep leading to a reduction of depression and postpartum symptoms.   (Read more

Teas to help with sleep : Passionflower tea 

Fresh and dried leaves of the Passiflora incarnata plant make passionflower tea. This tea generally has a vegetal, floral, and earthy green flavor profile & carries a light green brew. According to studies, a flavone in passionflower tea promotes relaxation by calming the body and promoting mental rest. In a study published in Phytotherapy Research, 41 people between 18 and 35 participated to see how passionflower affected their sleep quality. After the research, participants who drank passionflower tea demonstrated noticeable improvement in sleep quality. Similarly, many other studies have also identified passionflower tea as a beneficial remedy for sleep-related issues such as insomnia and anxiety. This tea is a lovely floral remedy for treating sleep issues and improving the quality of your sleep. Take a cup of passionflower tea before bed to witness these benefits. 

Teas to help with sleep: Lemon balm tea

Lemon balm tea (Melissa officinalis) belongs to the famous mint family & delivers a bright, citrusy flavor profile adored by many. It is among the best teas to help with sleep  due to its renowned properties in improving sleep quality. In the past it was primarily used for treating insomnia and anxiety symptoms that inhibit sound sleep. The citrusy and crispy flavor profile and mint aroma of this tea also helps to promote relaxation.  Some studies have even alluded that this tea could be beneficial in treating anxiety and depressive symptoms but more research is required to prove this. (Read more)

Teas to help with sleep: Peppermint tea

Mentha balsamea, or the peppermint plant, is the source of our favorite peppermint tea. This tea presents a refreshing mint aroma and assertive mint flavor, which is pleasing for many. Mint tea has anti-inflammatory qualities that relax muscles and promote tranquility, making it well-known as an anti-stress tea. Apart from that, Peppermint tea is beneficial for issues related to digestion and bloating. This property and its caffeine-free nature could help again for better sleep when you consume a cup of peppermint tea before bed. According to research, peppermint tea also helps relieve pain by lowering stress and anxiety. 

Teas to help with sleep: Lavender tea

Lavender flowers with a soft violet hue make this incredible herbal tea we all adore. Among all the Teas to help with sleep , lavender holds a special place due to its iconic appearance and pleasing aroma. Lavender is a prominent compound used in aromatherapy to promote calmness and relaxation. The flower buds and petals of the Lavandula angustifolia plant is the part that is dried and used in tea. After a long day, this tea is a terrific way to unwind and get ready for a deeper night's sleep. According to research, lavender tea has natural calming properties which can reduce anxiety, and promote restful sleep. Apart from these, the other benefits of lavender tea include deep sleep, better energy levels, and better mood.

Teas to help with sleep: Valerian root tea

Valerian root tea (Valeriana Officinalis) is a natural sleep-aiding herb and a common constituent in sleep-promoting teas. The soothing plant has a long history of use as a remedy for sleeplessness, poor self-esteem, and relaxing nerves during air raids in World War II. The tea showcases an earthy flavor profile; however, this tea is mainly mixed with other herbal ingredients to become more palatable. To preserve this tea's relaxing and soothing effects, you should prepare it with warm to hot water rather than boiling water. The main benefits of valerian root tea include better sleep, calming, and anxiety relief. (Read more)

Teas to help with sleep: Lemongrass tea

The leaves of the lemongrass plant (Cymbopogon citratus) are the ingredients that make up this citrusy tisane tea. This light, airy tea has a zesty, lemony flavor with a sharp and refreshing finish. Lemongrass tea is a sleep aid that promotes relaxation and is capable of releasing chemicals and hormones that control your sleep. In particular, lemongrass tea causes the production of serotonin, a hormone linked to mood and happiness improvement. This citrusy tea is especially beneficial for people who experience restlessness before bed. Include a cup of lemongrass tea to benefit from this fantastic herb in your evening routine.

What Tisane tea that helps with sleep is good for you?

It all comes down to preference and what symptoms you’re inflicted with. All the tisane teas mentioned above can assist you in falling asleep more quickly and getting better-quality sleep. Some of the teas have additional benefits that help with anxiety, mood or depression. So when choosing the right tea to help with sleep, you must take into account your other symptoms and your flavor profile preference. Taste & aroma are very important in giving you a sense of peace and calm before the end of the night. Tisane ingredients with calming aroma, like lavender or peppermint, are ideal for those suffering from severe sleep disorders. These aromas alone could help with your relaxation even before you take the first sip; although if you don’t like minty flavors, then peppermint won’t be the right tea for you.  

You could even take it to the next level and try formulating your very own tea blend using these ingredients. Herbs like Chamomile, Lavender, or Lemongrass usually go well together. But you may still need to do a few trials to understand the best possible combination that suits your flavor preference. 

Relax & Unwind! 

Creating a habit of drinking one the suggested tea before bedtime does not only help with sleep but will provide you with many other benefits as well.  With a proper relaxation routine and a tea suited for your taste bud, you find yourself drifting off to sleep in no time. Above all, it is necessary to be mindful as you brew the tea, as mindfulness helps us stay calm and relaxed. So it’s important when considering which teas to help with sleep because the options are countless. But it will ultimately depend on your own preferences on flavor; so choose what makes your body feel most relaxed.

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