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Do You Know The Differences Between Tea Bags and Loose Leaf Tea?

Sep 03, 2022

Johnathan Milton

Many great inventions in the world are accidental discoveries! Did you know that the tea bag was also an accidental discovery? Yes, the concept of the tea bag was reportedly initiated in 1908 by the tea merchant Thomas Sullivan. Sullivan used to wrap his loose leaf teas in silk fabric bags. The idea of this bag was only to contain tea & to remove it during tea brewing. But some customers found it easy to brew with the outer bag itself. Since then, the tea bag has developed in many ways, and today, it is a necessity for the tea industry. However, the tradition of loose leaf tea has also made a revolutionary comeback. So it has become a continual battle to answer which brewing style is better. We think it is time to talk this through and find the answer to the question;Tea Bags vs Loose Leaf: What's the Difference?

What exactly are tea bags?

Tea bags are little bags filled with broken or crushed tea leaves. Tea bags of higher caliber are made of silk or cotton, while average bags are typically made of filter paper. Tea bags are well-liked since they are convenient and frequently accessible in supermarkets, tea shops, and retail establishments. It is easy to steep tea bags in a teapot or cup of hot water for a few minutes, to extract their flavors. The convenience and portability of tea bags are their main benefits, as it is so simple to toss a tea bag into a thermal of hot water and bring it along with you.

What is loose-leaf tea?

By definition, loose tea leaves are essentially tea leaves that are brewed by pouring hot water directly onto the leaves and allowing them to teep. This type of tea is packed in glass jars, paper packets or containers rather than in a tiny tea bag. Some refer to these teas as bulk tea, however, the term doesn’t express the same meaning all the time. For tea to identify as loose tea, it is not essential to be large in leaf size or quantity. You might have seen many instances where small sized tea leaves are packed in fairly large containers as loose tea. However, tea leaves that are whole leaf sized offer more extraordinary flavor and aroma, and are packed as loose tea. This is due to the expansion of the tea leaf as it brews making it  unable to fit in small tea bags. Usually, these teas are whole tea leaves or partially broken tea leaves.

Loose-leaf tea brewing is done by steeping these whole or broken tea leaves in hot water following a particular process. This process is somewhat complicated compared to the steeping of bagged tea. In fact, the steeping method becomes one of the major differences if we compare tea bags vs loose leaf. Loose leaf teas can be brewed more than just one way. One style includes the “western” style which is the same method that tea bags are steeped in. Another way to steep loose leaf tea is the gongfu style which is the Chinese way of brewing tea, and it consists of short  steeping times, but the leaves could be re-steeped many times.   One other difference is that whole leaf teas, such as loose green tea, have  a richer flavor profile than bagged teas. 

Let’s explore the four grades of tea 

Tea has several grades based on the method of processing. There are various ways of grading tea; however, there are four significant tea grades:

Whole-leaf tea

Whole-leaf teas include whole, dried tea leaves & belong to the luxury or premium niche of the tea family. Tea made from whole leaf tea has the most robust flavor profile, which lasts through multiple steeps. Whole leaf tea, also known as full leaf tea, is tea made up of whole, unbroken leaves. Whole leaf tea usually has many leaves joined together by a stem with an apical bud. The term “a bud and two leaves” typically describes these traditional pickings.

Broken leaf tea

Broken-leaf tea is a tea that has been torn or broken but still contains large enough leaf fragments. Broken leaves are darker and crushed, but they maintain the flavor of full-leaf tea. Broken-leaf tea will retain its flavor after numerous steeping. This sort of tea usually doesn't fit into regular tea bags, and it is a common practice to offer these teas as loose-leaf teas.


Fannings are leaf fragments recovered during the crushing process and are smaller & inferior to whole or broken tea leaves. The tea in teabags is primarily fannings, and much of it loses flavor after more than one soak. Moreover, Fannings are little particles of tea remaining after the large tea particles are separated for broken-leaf tea. Traditionally, there was a practice to regard these teas as byproducts of the manufacturing process of high-quality leaf teas.


Dust, the smallest grade of tea, is also collected after the crushing process of broken leaves, leaving only the tea particles that create dust. Teabags usually include tea dust inside their sachets and rarely retain their flavor after numerous steeping. However, these teas can result in a strong and darker brew with a very short brewing time. 

What Are the Differences Between Tea Bags vs Loose Leaf?

When we try to compare tea bags vs loose leaf, we can identify many differences. In our perspective, the fundamental difference between tea bags and loose-leaf is the quality of the tea leaves. Since tea bags contain such small particles of tea, the flavor qualities are also different. Tea bags will have one flavor note and lack flavor depth. Loose tea, on the other hand, is typically brewed from whole tea leaves so the flavors are slowly extracted during each additional brew. This allows the flavors to last for multiple re-steeps and each steep may have a different flavor note. Below we’ll go into more detail about each of the differences. 

Flavor profiles between tea bags vs loose leaf 

Loose-leaf tea has a richer flavor profile than bagged tea since the tea leaves are fresher and less broken down. However, due to its smaller particle size, a tea bag could result in a stronger brew within seconds, while a loose leaf tea takes a few minutes of brewing to result in a strong and flavorful brew. 

Ease and efficiency

Ease and efficiency are among the key factors for the popularity of tea bags when we compare the differences between tea bags vs loose leaf. Teabags are a more convenient option than loose-leaf tea for everyday tea drinkers. Simply, it doesn't require anything other than hot water and a mug or kettle to make tea. Teabags are available at most supermarkets. Loose-leaf tea necessitates additional tea-making tools, such as tea infusers. This process is generally more challenging to organize & clean up than tea in a bag. You may also need to visit a specialty tea outlet to find a broad range of loose-leaf teas.


Typically bagged black tea and other high-caffeine teas have higher caffeine content than loose-leaf teas. This happens due to the extraction rate caused by the small particle size of the fanning or dust in the tea bags. However, for loose leaves, the more tea leaves you put in your cup, the more caffeine you'll get. Tea bags contain an average amount of tea leaf, but if you use loose leaf tea, you can add extra to the pot to boost caffeine levels. One other thing to note is  longer steeping time will also result in more caffeine in your mug.

Uses of tea bags vs loose leaf

Tea bags are for a quick cup of tea, while loose leaves steep many tea cups over repeated brewing cycles. These bags can sometimes mask poorer quality tea leaves, but you can't do that with loose leaves. Loose-leaf tea is generally considered a higher quality tea than tea in tea bags.

Varieties of leaves

Variety and the processing style of tea can sometimes determine the flavors of the tea. Mostly the processing style becomes largely responsible for these variations. Some other factors like plant variety or agro-climatic factors could also be responsible for the flavor variations apart from the processing style. In most cases, fairly smaller leaf-bearing tea varieties produce whole leaf tea types, while larger leaf-bearing tea varieties tend to produce broken or smaller grade teas. 

Tea bags are made up of broken or powdered tea leaves, limiting your possibilities. Loose-leaf tea, on the other hand, is not mass-produced or industrially processed. This means that it frequently tastes fresher and of higher quality.

The differences in the Infusion- tea bags vs loose leaf

When comparing tea bags vs loose-leaf, infusions of these two tea types show a significant difference. You can steep tea leaves five to ten times based on your brewing style. Since a regular tea bag can only hold very little tea, tea bag manufacturers had to refine their tea down to dust so that a small amount of tea infusion would produce a strong enough flavor profile. 

Excite your taste buds!

The beautiful thing about tea is that there are so many different flavors. Explore this world through your teacup. If you prefer strong or mild tea, loose leaf tea allows you to modify the strength to your preference. Simply add more or fewer tea leaves to your teapot until it's just right for you. Loose-leaf tea is more expensive than most bagged teas. Loose-leaf teas are often of higher quality than bagged teas, and loose-leaf tea offers a richer flavor and scent. 

However, the quality of tea made from tea bags is typically inferior to that of loose-leaf tea. While you can compost tea bags made of natural fibers, some bags consist of non-compostable polymers which are non-decomposable.

Providing you with the best

At the end of the day, it all comes down to doing what you enjoy. Tea J Tea allows you to experience many distinct and unique types of tea in the loose leaf form. In our opinion, we prefer loose leaf teas over bagged teas for the reasons listed above and many more. But that doesn't mean we can't appreciate a mug of bagged tea, especially under the right circumstances. 

The golden rule of tea is to explore and go with what you appreciate the best! Don't be hesitant to experiment with your tea & tea ware. Above all, listen to your instincts!

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