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How Long to Steep Green Tea? Surprising Green Tea Facts for Beginners

Nov 26, 2023

Shanika Dasanayaka

No matter how expensive or how premium your tea leaves are, there's always one way to ruin your cup of tea. This way is nothing but steeping, & especially when it comes to green tea, the brewing step is highly crucial. Brewing the perfect cup of tea is an art that every tea lover should master. There are so many variables to consider: water temperature, steeping time, and type of tea leaves. If you don't know how long to steep green tea, there are higher chances of ending up with a bitter cup of tea. This will not only ruin the beneficial components of your cup of green tea but will also end your desire to drink green tea. 

So the purpose of this article is to brief you with some basic ideas on green tea steeping, especially the variations in steeping time when it comes to different types of green tea. 

Different Types Of Green Tea

When it comes to true green teas, there are two main defining categories: Japanese green teas and Chinese green teas. Japanese green teas go through a steaming process, while Chinese green teas go through a pan-frying phase during their processing.

Here is a list of eight popular types of green tea:


This is the most popular type of Japanese green tea. The tea originates from a process that involves the steaming and rolling of whole tea leaves. Sencha is a trendy tea option in most restaurants.


Hojicha is a Japanese green tea distinct from most other green teas. Here, the tea leaves go through a roasting process in porcelain pots. The result is a green tea with a reddish brown leaf appearance, rather than the jade green color that most green tea drinkers are accustomed to. Hojicha has a long history in Japan, with its first recorded mention dating back to the early 18th century. It was initially made using lower-quality leaves and stems left over from producing higher-quality teas. The leaves go through a roasting phase over charcoal, which helps to give Hojicha its distinctive flavor. 


One of the most unique and exciting teas you can find is Genmaicha, a Japanese green tea. When making this tea, producers mix Sencha tea leaves with either popped or roasted rice kernels. This gives the tea a toasty, nutty flavor, which is quite different from other green teas. And because the rice kernels contain natural caffeine, you can replace your roasted coffee brew with this tea for an afternoon pick-me-up.


Gyokuro is a premium green tea that is grown in shade-covered areas. The tea is typically made using special strains of Sencha tea leaves known as Asahi, Yamakai, and Okumidori. This tea has a unique flavor that is both sweet and umami, and it is prized for its delicate aroma. Gyokuro is typically more expensive than other types of green tea, but it is worth the splurge if you are looking for an exceptional cup of tea. If you are new to Gyokuro, start with a small amount to see how you like it.


This is a powder made from ground-up green tea leaves. This tea is an essential component in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies. If you are drinking green tea for its health benefits, it is a must to learn how to make matcha tea, as it is super popular among health-conscious tea drinkers.


Bancha is a  type of Japanese green tea that stems from the twigs and stems of the tea plant. It has a light, grassy flavor.

Pi Lo Chun:

Pi Lo Chun is a type of Chinese green tea that is rolled into tight spirals. It has a fruity, floral flavor.


This type of Chinese green tea is pan-fried instead of steaming. As a result, it has a nutty, toasty flavor.

Flavored Green Tea & How Long To Steep It?

Green tea is a versatile base that you can use to combine with different flavors to create unique and exciting blends. Flavored green teas are becoming increasingly popular as people love to devour new and exciting flavor combinations. There are endless possibilities when it comes to flavoring green tea. Some popular flavorings include flowers, herbs, citrus fruits, and spices. Green tea can also be combined with other types of tea, such as black tea or oolong tea, to create exciting flavor profiles. 

When it comes to steeping time of flavored green tea, it doesn't have much deviation from the normal green tea brewing, which you will learn in a while. 

How Long To Steep Green Tea To Avoid Bitterness 

Whether you prefer the light, grassy flavors of Japanese green teas or the nutty, toasty flavors of Chinese green teas, there is a green tea to please your palate. So, go ahead and give green tea a try! You might find that you like it. When you master the art of green tea steeping, you don't need to worry about its bitterness. So it's time to learn the correct steps of brewing green tea. 

Green Tea Steeping Steps

The question of how long to steep green tea depends on the variety you're using. Different green tea leaves have different sizes, shapes, and thicknesses. As a result, they will require different amounts of time to release their flavor.

Here's what you need to keep in mind:


The ratio of tea-to-water completely changes a cup's taste—the more tea, the stronger the flavor. If you're new to green tea, start using one teaspoon or even fewer leaves per cup of water. Once you get a feel for the flavor, you can adjust the amount of leaves to suit your taste.

Water Temperature

The ideal water temperature for green tea lies between 158 and 176 degrees Fahrenheit. If you don't have a thermometer, bring the water to a rolling boil and then let it cool for about two minutes.

Brewing Time (How Long To Steep Green Tea) 

Most green teas require one to three minutes of steeping time. The exception is Japanese sencha, which only needs 30 seconds to one minute of steeping time. To avoid bitterness, don't be afraid to steep for less time if you prefer a lighter flavor. On the other hand, your brewing style will also decide the brewing time of the tea. For instance, if you are using gong-fu style brewing, your brewing time would only be a few seconds compared to western-style brewing. 


When steeped, all green teas will take on some color—anything from deep yellow to moss green to light tan. The color of the tea is not an indicator of its strength or flavor. Instead, it indicates the level of oxidation the leaves have undergone.

Now that you know the basics of steeping green tea, experiment with different varieties and find the flavor profile that you like best. Remember to start with fresh, cold water and let your tea steep for the recommended brewing time.

One important note: Be sure not to over-steep your tea, or you'll risk making it bitter. If you find that your green tea is too bitter, try using fewer leaves or steeping for a shorter amount of time.

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. It is loaded with antioxidants and various substances that are beneficial for health.

  • Anti-Aging

The tea releases catechins that have antioxidant properties. These catechins scavenge harmful toxins that damage cells, thus promoting anti-aging. Green tea also contains theanine, an amino acid that stimulates better brain function.

  • Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Green tea improves blood sugar control and lowers blood sugar levels. This is especially beneficial for people with diabetes. The polyphenols in green tea also help reduce insulin resistance.

  • Lower Cholesterol Levels

It helps lower cholesterol levels and improves cardiovascular health. The catechins in green tea help prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries, thus reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • Improves Brain Function

Drinking green tea on a daily basis can improve brain function and make you smarter. Research has shown that green tea can help protect your brain from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Green tea may also reduce your risk of stroke.

  • Boost Metabolism

Green tea has been shown to boost your metabolism and help you lose weight. Studies have shown that green tea can increase fat burning and help you burn more calories. Green tea may also improve your physical performance by helping you burn more fat during exercise.

  • Lowers Risk Of Cancer

Consuming this tea lowers your risk of developing cancer. Green tea contains powerful antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage. Green tea has also been shown to kill cancer cells in laboratory studies.

Lastly, green tea can help you live longer. Green tea drinkers have a lower risk of dying from any cause. It may also help you live longer by reducing your risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

What Is Iced Green Tea?

When it comes to cold tea, there are two types of teas - those made with hot water and those made with cold water. So, which is the correct type of green tea for iced tea?

In simple terms, any green tea can be used to make iced green tea. To brew cold tea, you'll need to use more tea leaves than you would for hot tea since the cold water won't extract as much flavor from the leaves. You can learn more about how to brew cold tea by reading this article.

How Long To Steep Green Tea: Conclusion 

Green tea is one of the world's healthiest beverages and has many benefits for your body. As we wish to get the most out of green tea, it is essential to know how long to steep green tea. Most green teas should be steeped for one to three minutes using water around 176 degrees Fahrenheit. Japanese sencha green tea only needs 30 seconds to one minute of steeping. So what are you waiting for? Grab your lovely green tea leaves and start brewing a fantastic cup of tea!

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